The Importance of Exercise and Nutrition to Improve Joint Cartilage Health

By: Jim Chapman, CEO & Founder Nutra Research, Inc.

Unfortunately most people as they grow older tend to lose mobility, or mobility is coupled with pain and aggravation (osteoarthritis, normal wear and tear, injury, etc.).  In addition to this, recovery or rehabilitation can become more problematic due to the reduced “health” of the joint.  The health of the joint is also negatively impacted due to malnutrition and a diminished capability to absorb nutrients from our daily diet.

Articular cartilage is the smooth, white tissue that covers the ends of bones where they come together to form joints.  Articular cartilage serves as the cushion within the joint and acts as a “shock absorber” when cartilage is damaged or worn away, the affected joint becomes painful, stiff and limited in its range of motion.

One of the compounding problems with trying to repair or rehabilitate damaged articular cartilage is that it is avascular.  Due to a lack of blood supply to joint cartilage, nutrients have a more difficult time supporting healthy cellular renewal.  In addition, if a person begins to feel pain and/or inflammation they have a tendency to become less active. This can produce a vicious cycle….

Nutrients move into articular cartilage mainly from the synovial fluid; intermittent compression such as walking or other forms of exercise can provide a “compression” vis a vis “decompression” cycle that can improve absorption and increase secretion of waste from the joint cartilage. Thus this activity that seems counter-intuitive can actually benefit the rehabilitation of an “unhealthy” joint.

This also speaks to the potential increased benefit of exercise, chiropractic manipulation, massage and physical therapies; coupled with a healthy diet and a supplementation with key joint nutrients.

Note: When considering an exercise routine, especially while under doctors care be sure to consult your healthcare provider for safe and appropriate levels of exertion and activities.

For further information about joint health and ArthroAid Plus visit:;

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